费加罗的冒险 简介
“费加罗的冒险 The Adventures Of Figaro Pho”是一部澳大利亚的哥特风格喜剧动画片,根据儿童插画师Luke Jurevicius的作品改编,讲述小主人公费加罗(Figaro Pho)和他的机器狗Rivet的历险故事。
费加罗的冒险 目录
S01E01 Fear of Fish (Ichthyophobia) 鱼类恐惧症
S01E02 Fear of Being Alone (Isolophobia) 孤独恐惧症
S01E03 Fear of Boredom (Thaasophobia) 无聊恐惧症
S01E04 Fear of Relatives (Syngenesophobia) 亲属恐惧症
S01E05 Fear of Rejection (Rejectiophobia) 抛弃恐惧症
S01E06 Fear of Mosquitoes (Culicidaephobia) 蚊子恐惧症
S01E07 Fear of Thieves (Cleptophobia) 偷窃恐惧症
S01E08 Fear of Foul Odours (Osmophobia) 气味恐惧症
S01E09 Fear of Baths (Ablutophobia) 洗澡恐惧症
S01E10 Fear of Baldness (Phalacrophobia) 变秃恐惧症
S01E11 Fear of Hunger (Borborygamiphobia) 饥饿恐惧症
S01E12 Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia) 小丑恐惧症
S01E13 Fear of Shrinking (Reducophobia) 收缩恐惧症
S01E14 Fear of Elevators (Elevatophobia) 电梯恐惧症
S01E15 Fear of Skin (Dermatopathophobia) 肌肤恐惧症
S01E16 Fear of Becoming a Vampire (Transmutasanguivoriphobia) 变吸血鬼恐惧症
S01E17 Fear of a Rival (Antipalophobia) 竞争恐惧症
S01E18 Fear of Meteorites (Meteorophobia) 陨石恐惧症
S01E19 Fear of Everything (Panophobia) 万物恐惧症
S01E20 Fear of Being Weak (Asthenophobia) 虚弱恐怖症
S01E21 Fear of Growing Old (Gerontophobia) 变老恐惧症
S01E22 Fear of Unfamiliar Toilets (Novuslatrinaphobia) 陌生厕所恐惧症
S01E23 Fear of Duplication (Clonophobia) 复制品恐惧症
S01E24 Fear of Hiccups (Myoclunusdiagphragmaphobia) 打嗝恐惧症
S01E25 Fear of Mad Dogs (Deliricynophobia) 疯狗恐惧症
S01E26 Fear of Being Ugly (Cacophobia) 变丑恐惧症
S01E27 Fear of Space Aliens (Astroxenophobia) 外星生物恐惧症
S01E28 Fear of the Cactus (Kactosophobia) 仙人掌恐惧症
S01E29 Fear of Sneezing (Sternutaphobia) 喷嚏恐惧症
S01E30 Fear of Chickens (Alektorophobia) 恐鸡症
S01E31 Fear of Disease (Pathophobia) 疾病恐惧症
S01E32 Fear of the Unknown Thing (Obscuraphobia) 未知事物恐惧症
S01E33 Fear of What’s Under the Bed (Sublectumphobia) 床下恐惧症
S01E34 Fear of Work (Ergophobia) 工作恐惧症
S01E35 Fear of Being Stared at by a Duck (Quackaphobia) 鸭子恐惧症
S01E36 Fear of Losing (Kakorrhaphiophobia) 失败恐惧症
S01E37 Fear of Sleepwalking (Somnambulaphobia) 梦游恐惧症
S01E38 Fear of Shopping Trolleys (Merxcarrucaphobia) 超市手推车恐惧症
S01E39 Fear of Dancing Rabbits (Choroleporophobia) 兔子恐惧症
S01E02 Fear of Being Alone (Isolophobia) 孤独恐惧症
S01E03 Fear of Boredom (Thaasophobia) 无聊恐惧症
S01E04 Fear of Relatives (Syngenesophobia) 亲属恐惧症
S01E05 Fear of Rejection (Rejectiophobia) 抛弃恐惧症
S01E06 Fear of Mosquitoes (Culicidaephobia) 蚊子恐惧症
S01E07 Fear of Thieves (Cleptophobia) 偷窃恐惧症
S01E08 Fear of Foul Odours (Osmophobia) 气味恐惧症
S01E09 Fear of Baths (Ablutophobia) 洗澡恐惧症
S01E10 Fear of Baldness (Phalacrophobia) 变秃恐惧症
S01E11 Fear of Hunger (Borborygamiphobia) 饥饿恐惧症
S01E12 Fear of Clowns (Coulrophobia) 小丑恐惧症
S01E13 Fear of Shrinking (Reducophobia) 收缩恐惧症
S01E14 Fear of Elevators (Elevatophobia) 电梯恐惧症
S01E15 Fear of Skin (Dermatopathophobia) 肌肤恐惧症
S01E16 Fear of Becoming a Vampire (Transmutasanguivoriphobia) 变吸血鬼恐惧症
S01E17 Fear of a Rival (Antipalophobia) 竞争恐惧症
S01E18 Fear of Meteorites (Meteorophobia) 陨石恐惧症
S01E19 Fear of Everything (Panophobia) 万物恐惧症
S01E20 Fear of Being Weak (Asthenophobia) 虚弱恐怖症
S01E21 Fear of Growing Old (Gerontophobia) 变老恐惧症
S01E22 Fear of Unfamiliar Toilets (Novuslatrinaphobia) 陌生厕所恐惧症
S01E23 Fear of Duplication (Clonophobia) 复制品恐惧症
S01E24 Fear of Hiccups (Myoclunusdiagphragmaphobia) 打嗝恐惧症
S01E25 Fear of Mad Dogs (Deliricynophobia) 疯狗恐惧症
S01E26 Fear of Being Ugly (Cacophobia) 变丑恐惧症
S01E27 Fear of Space Aliens (Astroxenophobia) 外星生物恐惧症
S01E28 Fear of the Cactus (Kactosophobia) 仙人掌恐惧症
S01E29 Fear of Sneezing (Sternutaphobia) 喷嚏恐惧症
S01E30 Fear of Chickens (Alektorophobia) 恐鸡症
S01E31 Fear of Disease (Pathophobia) 疾病恐惧症
S01E32 Fear of the Unknown Thing (Obscuraphobia) 未知事物恐惧症
S01E33 Fear of What’s Under the Bed (Sublectumphobia) 床下恐惧症
S01E34 Fear of Work (Ergophobia) 工作恐惧症
S01E35 Fear of Being Stared at by a Duck (Quackaphobia) 鸭子恐惧症
S01E36 Fear of Losing (Kakorrhaphiophobia) 失败恐惧症
S01E37 Fear of Sleepwalking (Somnambulaphobia) 梦游恐惧症
S01E38 Fear of Shopping Trolleys (Merxcarrucaphobia) 超市手推车恐惧症
S01E39 Fear of Dancing Rabbits (Choroleporophobia) 兔子恐惧症
费加罗的冒险 预览
